Лечение в Китае Центральный Государственный Госпиталь
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Тreatment in China

Every year, since 2012, about 1 million medical tourists from all over the world come to China for treatment. The bulk of tourists come from Russia, CIS countries, Germany, USA, Israel, Italy. At the same time, they use the “tourism +” model, which means that visitors combine leisure, excursions and treatment in China on a trip.

As such, Chinese medicine for foreigners is under the supervision of a special body of the China Medical Tourism Association. Its tasks include the development, supervision, standardization of this area of ​​the economy, which today already brings 2% of China’s GDP. It also employs about 23 million Chinese medical workers (and about 65 million more workers who are somehow connected with the field of medical tourism). The reasons why many people prefer treatment in China are the value for money of medical services, high efficiency and a gentle approach to the healing process. The average cost of treatment in our hospital in China will cost about 2,500 dollars for 2 weeks. A distinctive feature of Chinese medicine is the massive introduction of high-tech research developments into the work of doctors, as well as the focus on prevention and early diagnosis of diseases.

Modern treatment in China combines innovative scientific and technological developments and centuries-old traditions. It is noteworthy that 90% of medical institutions (public and private) use traditional national methods for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases. Foreigners should be prepared for the fact that a doctor can prescribe and sell some drug without a name and label, while proudly declaring that this Chinese medicine is made according to a prescription and such a Chinese medicine always costs at least 300 dollars.

Folk healers enjoy great prestige among the indigenous population, and it is to them that a real Chinese will go in the first place. As a rule, in addition to procedures and medicines for ailments, healers prescribe an abundant drink of hot water, breathing exercises and a special diet.

You can come to China for treatment or order treatment without coming, send us an examination by mail: dalian.mex@yandex.ru  the professor will create an individual treatment plan for you and make a prescription for making a medicine of traditional Chinese medicine. Such a medicine is prepared in the laboratory of our hospital and sent to patients by postal delivery to any country.

Treatment methods in China.

– massage and its varieties: vacuum jars, jade scraper, foot and head massage and others. Chinese massage techniques differ from classical massage in that they focus on energy channels (meridians) and are aimed at activating biologically active points of the body. Chinese massage cannot be considered a panacea for all diseases, but it can relieve pain from chronic injuries and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular and other body systems. Cosmetic Chinese massage can significantly improve the complexion, restore the production of natural collagen, eliminate defects and signs of skin aging;

– acupuncture, as the oldest medical art, is recognized all over the world. The impact of needles on biologically active points of the body contributes to the activation of the human body’s own internal resources due to the harmonization and restoration of the correct movement of energy;

-maxo-therapy is the heating of acupuncture points with smoldering branches of wormwood. The indications for this peculiar method of treatment are the same as for acupuncture. Feelings, on the contrary, are pleasant – heat spreads from the branches; herbal medicine in China has reached true heights.

– the use of herbs, medicinal plants and their combinations gives massive positive results. Many Chinese use herbs all their lives, alternating fees;

– breathing exercises such as qigong, jianfei. The techniques are aimed at improving metabolism, normalizing the acid-base balance, restoring tissue gas exchange, relieving fatigue, strengthening immunity and the appearance of a surge of strength;

– special diets. In China, great importance is attached to the cult of food. We can safely say that the Chinese know the world through food. The most important condition for proper nutrition is the balance of tastes. When compiling diets, the patient’s personal data is taken into account: his age, gender, worldview, lifestyle.

Quality of treatment in China.

At the same time, the innovative medical services provided by treatment in China are striking in their ultra-modernity: stem cell treatment, the most complex prosthetics using 3D printing, sparing treatment. Methods of oncological diseases and much more. If you ask the question – what is better for a foreign medical tourist: European or traditional Chinese medicine – then definitely this is treatment in China.

Moreover, in this case it is much easier to ensure the continuity of therapy upon returning home. On the other hand, foreign medical tourists travel to China from all over the world to receive such medical services that are not available in their native country, including the national Chinese principles of treatment. It is quite natural that the combination of methods of academic (Western) and traditional Chinese medical practice, which is widely practiced in Chinese medicine, brings optimal results. Only recognized professors practice in China, there are no such level of specialists abroad. Also, you can get the medicine of real Chinese medicine only in China, because customs prohibits exporting rare components without a prescription. Therefore, when deciding to receive treatment in China, patients always receive the highest result of treatment.


How to get treatment in China in our hospital?

Understanding the prospects of medical tourism for the country as a whole, the Chinese government supports this direction. In order to visit China for the purpose of treatment, you need to fulfill several conditions:

  • It is necessary to coordinate with our international department the visit, its terms, provide the available medical documents with the diagnosis and appointments.
  • Our hospital will issue an official invitation for treatment in China if necessary. applicant for medical services.
  • The patient must collect a package of documents for obtaining a visa permit and obtain a visa.

Attention! There is no need to make a deposit to the hospital account! The patient will use all the benefits on the spot, in the hospital at the time of the start of treatment. Chinese traditional medicine is the oldest in the world! Given the variety of techniques and individual approach to each patient, the results of Chinese medicine are rated as very high. Even those diseases that are considered incurable in European medicine, with the help of our ancient medicine, get excellent results!

Our professors are in China and will give you healing!

Requests to the hospital’s mail: DALIAN.MEX@YANDEX.RU

 If foreign patients cannot come to China, we can review your examinations and then sending by post, customized medicines according to the special prescription from a professor of traditional Chinese medicine.